Vissa av våra produkter innehåller nikotin.
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Microzero AB is a family business that was established in 2020 and we have a long and solid experience in food production.

We sell our products to wholesalers, grocery stores, service shops and over the internet. We also export to other countries in Europe. Zixs can also manufacture customer-unique products upon request.

All the products we sell are produced in our own, new factory in Gothenburg. A state-of-the-art laboratory in the factory ensures that the safety and control of the products is in focus at every stage of production.

We work with HACCP in the factory and plan to implement further quality certifications shortly.

Denna produkt innehåller nikotin som är ett mycket beroendeframkallande ämne.

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Välkommen tillbaka någon annan gång!

Enligt lag måste man vara 18 år eller äldre för att handla nikotinpåsar. Välkommen tillbaka när åldern är inne!